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What is the Purpose of Life in Hinduism

The ultimate purpose of all life according to Hinduism is to reach enlightenment and break the cycle of reincarnation, known as Samsara. Everyone is on a spiritual journey towards enlightenment. The ultimate goal is to be one with all of the energy in the universe. You (the atman) is a part of the ultimate reality (Brahman). Once you reach enlightenment, you will be able to end the cycle of Samsara, otherwise known as reincarnation.

In each life that you are able to experience, your atman (in other words, your soul) takes steps towards enlightenment. To lead a good life, the soul follows the steps dictated in the Purusharthas – Dharma, Kama, Artha, and Moksha. Following these core fundamentals of Hinduism, you are able to live an ethical life and get closer to ending the cycle of reincarnation. Following the Purusharthas will help you reach the ultimate purpose of life.


Dharma is your life’s purpose or your duty in this life. It is your passion! In order to have a life filled with happiness and fulfillment, you need to work towards Dharma. Dharma is what you are meant to achieve in this lifetime. This could be getting a specific career or improving your emotional intelligence. Each person has their own personal Dharma.

However, Dharma is more than just your personal goals. On a grander scale, Dharma is all about living a righteous life. It’s about living with good morals and making ethical decisions. To rephrase, Dharma is all about being a good person who is helping the world. 


Artha means prosperity and success. In simple terms, Artha means to work towards gaining money, riches, or material success. It could be getting promotions at work or starting a new business. We cannot deny the need for material comfort in this world. Most people need money, a house, and other materialistic things to live in this life comfortably. Artha is just telling you to work towards being able to live in this life comfortably with any materialistic things you might need. 

In essence, the lesson in Artha is to work towards becoming financially secure. However, make sure to become financially secure in an ethical way. Stay true to your Dharma while working towards your Artha


Kama means pleasure. Pleasure a wide concept including things like hobbies, art, beauty, love, intimacy, and more. Kama is what brings a smile to your face. It’s what brings happiness to your life. Kama should be working with your Dharma, not against it. It is easy to be swept away with what gives you pleasure. Just as when people become greedy for money (money gives them pleasure and happiness). Another common example is addiction. When practicing Kama, try not to overindulge in your pleasures and keep your Dharma in mind. 


When you live life according to Dharma, Artha, and Kama, you will be able to reach Moksha. Moksha is the freedom from the reincarnation cycle. It is the end of the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Moksha is when you reach the state of enlightenment.The purpose of life is to live life in accordance with Dharma, Artha, and Kama. You are a good person, living a moral life according to your Dharma. You are leading a comfortable life, striving for financial success or Artha, all the while following your Dharma. In your free time, you are doing what makes you happy and following your Kama. As you live your life according to these 4 Purusharthas, you will reach enlightenment or Moksha.


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