All Spiritual Center

What is the difference between Dharma and Karma?

Dharma and karma are two central concepts in Hinduism and Buddhism. In simple terms, Dharma refers to the cosmic law and and your divine purpose. Dharma refers to our duty in this life. In contrast, karma is the effects of our actions which can be positive or negative. Karma’s effects comes into our life when we are not following our Dharma. Karma is one way the universe communicates to us all. Karma shows us whether the path we are on leads to our Dharma. Although there is a big difference between Dharma and karma, they are still inherently connected. Together, Dharma and Karma provide a framework for understanding the meaning of our place in this world.


Karma is a Sanskrit word that refers to the concept of cause and effect in Hinduism and Buddhism. It’s the idea that every action and thought has consequences. Good actions bring positive consequences while bad actions bring negative consequences. Whether an action is good or bad is determined by your Dharma. if the actions aligns with your Dharma or your life purpose, than it is a good action. As you follow this path, it will bring you positive events in return.

Not only does Karma affect this life time but it also determines the next life a person lives. Depending on the lessons learned, karma plays a positive or a negative role in our next lifetime. This provides a moral and ethical framework for understanding the meaning of life and taking personal responsibility.


Dharma is the cosmic law that contains our Devine purpose. Dharma is a life laid out by the higher self or the universe that promising fulfillment. In other words, Dharma is your life’s purpose or your duty in this life. It is your passion! In order to have a life filled with happiness and fulfillment, we need to work towards Dharma. The path towards Dharma however is not so clear. It is quite difficult to follow your soul and this will be a lifelong journey towards Dharma. However, with the connection of Karma, it is a little easier to realize what path is wrong. As we follow paths that don’t align with our Dharma, the universe uses Karma to punish. On the other side, as we get closer to our Dharma, Karma removes obstacles and rewards us.


Karma and Dharma are inherently connected but very different. Karma is judged through the lens of Dharma. On the other side, Dharma is determined through our Karma. Dharma is the “end goal”. Dharma says that when we achieve this end goal, we will be eternally fulfilled. Karma is what shows us whether we are on the path towards Dharma or not. Karma punishes us when we stray course from the path the cosmic law intended for us. Karma isn’t related to just what is right or wrong in moral terms. It is very specific to each and every individual. One action maybe return positive consequences through Karma for one individual but do the opposite for someone else. It all depends on what their Dharma (or their life meaning) is.



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