All Spiritual Center

What is Dosha Dreaming

Dosha dreaming is an ancient practice that is common in the Eastern world. It originated as part of Ayurveda, which is an ancient Indian system that aims to heal the body using natural methods instead of medicine. The Doshas are three forces that are a part of the Ayurvedic system that lets us categorize all people, known as the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each Dosha’s group has specfic Ayurvedic rituals that are meant for them. Dosha Dreaming is the idea that if there are imblaances in our Doshas then it will affect your dreams. According to Ayurveda, each dosha has its own dream characteristtics. 

Vata Dosha

Vata Dosha dreams tend to be fast-paced and unpredictable. They often involve flying, falling, or even being chased. If you are having dreams like this, then it means that you may have an imbalance in your Vata Dosha. Having an imbalance in Vata Dosha is sign that you are feeling anxiety or fear in your every day life.

Pitta Dosha

PItta Dosha dreams focus on power and achievement. They are intense and focus on competion, success, and status. An imbalance in Pitta Dosha can make you feel frustrated, irritated, and angry

Kapha Dosha

Unlike Vata and Pitta, Kapha Dosha tend to be more slow and steady. These dreams focus on comfort and stability. They even include relazxation and comfort. Despite what you may think, a Kapha imbalance can lead to depression and complacency. 

By understanding your dreams, you are able to see any imbalances in your energy. You area bel to identify any imblances in your Doshas and take steps to try to restore balance. In order to balance your Doshas again, make changes to your lifestyle, diet or your daily routine.


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