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What does Parvati Represent?

In the realm of Hinduism, there exists many gods and goddess who represent different qualities and are meant to teach different lessons. Parvati is a goddess who represents the power of consciousness and spiritual growth. Known by many names like Uma and Durga, Parvati is the essence of feminine energy or Shakti. Before talking about the question, “what does Parvati represent”, we must learn the history and the origin story of Parvati and Shiva.

The Story of Shiva and Parvati

Even as a young child, Parvati has always had much devotion for Lord Shiva. She spent her time praying and learning about Shiva. When she became older, Parvati started on a journey to win Lord Shiva’s heart. Parvati made her way to Kailasa where Lord Shiva lives.

Lord Shiva, on the other hand, is know for being a yogi. He spends his time in deep mediations trying to increase his consciousness. As many yogis, Shiva left behind all materialistic things, including marriage. However, when he met Parvati, he decided to give her a chance.

Parvati makes her way to Lord Shiva and insists on impressing him. Curiously, Shiva decided to test her devotion. Parvati proves her love to Shiva through performing an intense mediation where she did not eat, move, or speak for many months. Through this, Shiva accepts Parvati as his wife.

Later on in their marriage, Parvati asked Shiva many questions about the universe, energy, and consciousness. Shiva answered all of her questions truthfully with what he learned through his meditations. These answers were passed down through the book Maha Nirvana Tantra, the path to liberation.

What does Parvati Represent?

Parvati represents the power of consciousness, spiritual growth, love, devotion, fertility, and manifestation. Parvati is part of the feminine energy of the universe, also known as Shakti. This feminine energy is responsible for all manifestation. Take for example, Mothers who bring in new life. Mothers have intense feminine energy as they are able manifest energy into the physical world.

The story of Shiva and Parvati is meant to represent the difference between masculine and feminine energy and how they should work together. Shiva (or masculine energy) represents consciousness and potential. The feminine energy (or Parvati) represents manifestation. In other words, the masculine energy thinks of an idea and the feminine energy actually brings it into your physical reality.

Before Parvati came into Shiva’s life, he was pure consciousness. Before Parvati, Shiva was just potential of what he could be. However, with Parvati, he was able to manifest into the physical reality. In other words, Parvati was the reason Shiva’s lessons were able to leave his mind and were able to be brought down to the physical world.

The point of Parvati is to teach others how to connect their mind with the universe’s consciousness. This is why Parvati represents spiritual growth. Through the lessons she was able to learn from Lord Shiva, she was able to pass them down to us. She stayed a beacon for spiritual growth and consciousness.

What Chakra is Parvati?

Both masculine and feminine energies coexist inside us. Parvati’s energy stays at the base of our spine, the sacral chakra. While Shiva’s energy stays at the crown of our head, the crown chakra. As energy moves between our chakras, Shiva and Parvati’s energy can be connected.

What do People Pray to Parvati for? and What is Parvati Mantra?

The goddess Parvati is said to strengthen relationships, increase fertility, help with discipline, and inner strength. Here are some Mantras you can chant in order to embody Parvati’s energy

  1. Om Shree Parvati Devyay Namah
  2. Om Shri Vagvadini Mam Karya Sidhhi Kuru Phatt Swaha

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