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Love Spells that Work Fast

Love Spells are a popular way in the spiritual world to bring more love into your life. A love spell is a psychic intention that you put out into the world. Then this intention will manifest into your material life. It is important to realize that just a love spell won’t bring everything you desire. It is also important to act towards your goals as well.

Preparation for your love spell

1. Create your Intention

  • Make sure your intentions are good and pure. if they are not, the spell will back fire and cause negative consequences for you.
  • Make your intentions specific in order for the universe to truly understand what is needed to be done.
  • Rememeber that a love spell amlifies energy that is already there. so, if someone doesn’t love you or doesn’t want to be with you, this love spell will not change that because there is no energy there to manipulate. It might be a better use of your time to cast a general love spell to attract all love in, including any specific person you are thinking about.

2. Believe in the universe

  • Just like with manifestation, this love spell will not work if you don’t believe in the magic of the universe.
  • Make sure to have realistic expectations

3. Cast this love spell on a Friday

  • Friday is known as the venus day and it is the perfect day for manifesting love into your life. Although, this step is optional it is highly recommended.

4. Cleanse your space and your materials

  • Cleanse your space of any negative energies before starting the spell.
  • Make sure to keep your space clean and tidy because clutter can invite more negative energy.

Now you are ready to cast your love spell!

Love spell to attract new love

What you need

  • Pink candle
  • Toothpick
  • Basil leaves, rose petals, lavendar
  • Rosehip oil or olive oil

How to Cast

  1. Carve your intention into your candle
    Using your toothpick, carve a short intention into your candle. This could be something like true love or a persons name.
  2. Rub rosehip oil or olive oil onto your candle. Then, roll the candle in a pile of your herbs
    This steps lets the herbs we picked out (basil, rose petals, lavendar) stick to the actual candle.
  3. Light the candle and say your intention out loud
  4. Let your candle burn down completely. Do not interrupt the burning process.

Love spell to attract a specific person

What you need

  • Pink candle
  • Toothpick
  • Cinnamon, honey

How to Cast

  1. Carve the name of the person you are trying to manifest into your candle
    Using your toothpick, carve the full name of the person you are trying to manifest into your candle.
  2. Rub honey on the candle
    Rub honey on the carved in name and the rest of the candle.
  3. Roll the candle in cinnamon
    Using the stickiness of the honey, stick some cinnanamon to the candle.
  4. Light the candle and say your intention outloud.
    If you are manifesting a specific person, make sure your intentions are pure and good. Your intentions should not harm the other person.
  5. Let your candle burn down completely. Do not interrupt the burning process.

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