Mantras are an integral part of eastern religion like Hinduism and Buddhism. Derived from ancient Sanskrit texts, mantras are powerful sacred sounds and words that are chanted repeatedly. Mantras were written by ancient yogis who observed the sounds of nature and wanted incorporated them into everyday life.
By chanting different mantras, you will be able manifest different energies into your life. For example, if you are looking to make more money, then chanting a mantra about abundance would be helpful.
Manifestation is based on the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that the positive energy attracts more positive energy and negative energy attracts negative energy. In other words, the law of attraction states that your present energy attracts your future energy.
So, in order to manifest you need to embody energy of what you want. For example, if you’re trying to manifest a boyfriend, you need to embody the love energy to attract more love. That’s what mantras are good for. Each sound in a mantra vibrates at specific frequency. By repeating a mantra, your body will also vibrate at the same frequency as the mantra.
Here are some powerful mantras that you can repeat daily in order to manifest your dreams. Pronunciation is important and that’s why I left the pronunciation details under each mantra.
The universal sound and the first actual vibration. It is the most powerful mantra and all other mantras were born from this powerful word. Om vibrates at 432 Hertz which the natural vibration of the universe.
Mantra to become more attractive
Om Padma Sundharyei Namaha
[ Om pahd-mah soon-dhar-yea nam-ah-hah ]
Mantra to be more likeable
Om Maha Lakshmicha vidmahae
Vishnu Patnucha Dhimahi
Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat
[ om mah-hah laksh-mee-chah veed-mah-hae ][ vish-noo paht-nee-chah Dee-mah-hee ]
Mantra for healing health issues
om Shri Dhanvantre Namaha
[ Om Shree Dhahn-vahn-trea Nah-ma-hah ]
Mantra for attracting abundance
Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyea Namaha
[ om shreem Mah-hah Lahk-shmee-yea nah-mah-hah ]
Mantra for protection
Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vicche Namaha
[ Om im hreem kleem chah-moon-dah-yea vee-che nah-mah-hah ]
Mantra for attracting love
om parama prema rupaya namaha
[ Om pah-rah-mah pre-ma rooh-pah-yah nah-mah-hah ]