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Manifestation begins with the mind. Before you can manifest anything, the thought or picture has to occur to you first. After this thought occurs, you feel the desire for it. That’s when you start taking action towards getting what you want. For example, first, you have to think about a red car. Then, you’ll have to want that red car. That’s when you’ll start saving towards buying that red car. Although manifestation begins with your mind, it’s not enough. It’s the combination of your mind’s thoughts and your feelings in your physical body that’ll really help you manifest quickly. That’s how you can use imagination to manifest. Imagination will help your mind trigger specific emotions in your body. Thus, you can now get closer to the combination of thoughts and feelings. Your body and mind will be one and therefore help you manifest.

Yes, using imagination to manifest helps attract what you desire but it also just helps you think outside the box. Why is this you may ask? Imagination is your mind on steroids. It’s your mind but it’s able to reach beyond what’s in your current reality. Because of this, it helps you think outside of the box. It helps you come up with solutions or ideas that you may not have thought about if you were constricted to what you already know. Imagination helps your mind wander which leads to getting out of the box ideas. Using your imagination to manifest is a visualization technique. It will help you focus your imagination on what you want to manifest. Then, with this attention, you’re able to figure what steps you need to take in order to achieve what you want.

Visualization Technique

As you follow through this visualization process remember what you visualize isn’t as important as the feeling it provides. Throughout this process pretend that you already have what you are trying to manifest. You are becoming the person of your manifestation.

Step 1 – Relax

The first step is to relax your body and quiet the mind. You don’t want to go through this process when you’re stressed out or anxious. There many ways you can do this and it’s very unique to you. You can do a simple mediation, read a book, listen to music, or paint. You can even use crystals to bring you into the right state (Here is a beginner article on crystals if you’re unfamiliar with them). You can do anything you would like as it calms your body and mind down.

Step 2 – Start with an affirmation

Pick what goal you want to work towards and come up with an affirmation for it. Write this affirmation as if it has already happened. This will help you focus your thoughts towards this one desire and not let your mind wander. Some mind wandering is important for imagination and visualization but not so much that it is outside the topic realm. That’s why focusing your thoughts is important. Make sure this affirmation is positive and written in present tense.

  • “I have a loving boyfriend or girlfriend.”
  • “I got accepted into my top college pick”

Step 3 – Start imagining a scenario where your affirmation came true

Set some time aside and day dream on your affirmation that you picked in step 1. Build out any scenario you would like. Let your mind wander in this imagination but stay focused on the same topic. For example, if you want a boyfriend or girlfriend, imagine going on a first date with this boyfriend. Make sure to be really specific. What is this guy or girl wearing? What qualities do they have? How do they make you feel? Get as detailed as you can.

Step 4 – Feel it

This step goes along with the previous step. While you’re imagining this perfect scenario, make sure your body is feeling it as well. Let’s say you’re trying to manifest a job. While you’re imagining opening up that offer letter, you will start to feel excited. As your imagining this scenario, your body will automatically react with different emotions. This is completely natural since your mind thinks this day dream is actually reality. As part of this step, just make sure that the emotions you feel are positive and the correct ones.

Step 5 – Analyze and be open minded

As you let your mind wander through this imaginative state, more ideas will come to you. You might get a new idea on what step you need to take to get closer to what you want. For example, you might get an idea of what job you should apply for or who to reach out to. When these ideas come, make sure to act upon them. This is a sign from the universe letting you know how to get closer to your manifestation. The universe might even send you signs outside of your visualizations. Use your intuition to decipher the universe’s messages to you. 

Continue this visualization technique everyday for at least 10 min a day. You are reprogramming your subconscious mind with your imagination and getting closer to your manifestation everyday. Using imagination to manifest is a necessary step to get to the life you want.



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  1. […] represents the power of consciousness, spiritual growth, love, devotion, fertility, and manifestation. Parvati is part of the feminine energy of the universe, also known as Shakti. This feminine energy […]

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