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How to have a glow up in one hour

Are you looking to transform your looks and boost your confidence? A glow up is the perfect solution! Some days we just don’t feel confident in our looks. A one hour glow up is the perfect routine to do on days when you are feeling insecure. 70% of appearance is based on mindset. Becoming pretty or attractive is a combination of completing self care tasks and having a positive mindset. It bears the question, how to have a glow up in one hour? With these few glow up tips, you’ll look your best and feel your best. I will guide you through the process of having a glow up in an hour, from makeup to fashion to mindset. Most glow ups are 24 hour glow ups but this one is in an hour!

How to have a glow up in one hour

Step 1: Clean your room and declutter your space

Your surroundings can have a big impact on your mindset. A cluttered space can make you feel scattered and anxious. Clear away any clutter that may take up space in your mind. This will help you feel more focused and motivated to take on the day.

Step 2: Get into the right mindset

To get into the right mindset for your glow up, start by practicing positive self talk. This could be through affirmations, meditations, or journaling. Tell yourself that you are beautiful and deserving of all good things in life.

In this step, set intentions for your one hour glow up. What are you hoping to achieve in this one hour glow up. Focus your energy on these intentions while going through the rest of the steps.

Step 3: Yoga and Workout

Take some time to either workout or do some yoga. Of course working out has long term benefits in terms of a glow up but it also makes you prettier instantly. By working out, you are increasing blood flow to your skin. This reduces bland skin and eye puffiness. It’s a good step to do before your skincare routine.

Step 6: Fix your posture

One of the biggest factors to a glow up is confidence. The nice thing about confidence is that you can fake it pretty easily. One of the easiest ways to fake confidence is posture. Having a straight back and good posture automatically tells everyone that you are confident.

Step 4: Skincare including Gua Sha, exfoliate your face and body

A good skincare routine will instantly plump your skin and give it a healthy glow. Having a gua sha routine as part of your skin care routine takes this glow up to the next level. Pick a Gua Sha routine that targets your “problem” area. Gua Sha are good at removing excess liquid in your skin and give your face more bone structure. Another mandatory step that you should have as part of your skincare routine is exfoliation. Exfoliation removes dead skin and dirt, which automatically gives you a nice glow.   

Step 5: Enhance your appearance using makeup

Once your skin is prepped with makeup, it’s time to apply makeup. Whether it be natural makeup or heavier makeup, just make sure you are confident in what you decide.

Step 6: Wear an outfit that makes you happy

Wearing an outfit that already makes you happy will give you attractive energy. If you are happy, then those around will feel your happiness.


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