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Can Reiki be done on yourself?

If you’re wondering, “Can Reiki be done on yourself?”, the answer is a resounding Yes!  But before that, what is Reiki? Reiki is an energy healing practice that originated in eastern religions and was created by Mikao Usui. It’s a practice that uses hand positions to guide the universal life force’s energy through your body. 

By stimulating different parts of the body, Reiki is able to strengthen the immune system. It is a popular holistic medical treatment in the eastern world! The goal is become energetically balanced and aligned with the universe using Reiki.

Reiki practitioners are those that stand between you and the universe’s energy. They are able to guide the energy from the universe into you. Although using a Reiki practitioner is popular, there are also many benefits from practicing Reiki on yourself. You don’t need to be a Reiki master or have a high Reiki level to do this!

Practicing Reiki on yourself empowers you to take an active role in your own healing journey. It strengthens the mind body connection. You will be more attuned to your body’s needs and wants. Embrace this holistic healing method by practicing Reiki on yourself.

Benefits of Reiki

  • Unblocking Chakras
  • Connecting the mind, body, and the spirit
  • Address any energy imbalances or blockages
  • Helps with manifestation by connecting your energy to what you’re trying to attract
  • Reducing stress
  • Relaxing the body
  • Achieving a meditative state
  • Help you stay in the present moment
  • Physical and mental alignment

Can Reiki be done on yourself

Reiki can be practiced using a professional or by yourself. Each way provides different benefits. Practicing Reiki by yourself provides benefits that you may not get from using a professional. Overall, you are able to practice Reiki on yourself!

Practicing Reiki using a professional helps you attain a higher level of energy healing. (they are a professionals after all). A professional would be able to target your problem areas and call upon the specific energies that may be needed. For more serious or harder issues, I would recommend seeing a Reiki professional.

Reiki can also be done on yourself! By practicing Reiki on yourself, you’ll be able to connect your mind, body, and spirit. Reiki is all about feeling your body and finding energy blockages. 

Through practicing Reiki on yourself, you’ll be able to build a strong mind-body connection. This is something you won’t be able to get using a professional.

 A strong connection between the body and the mind opens many doors for you. It’ll make manifestation easier, help you listen to your intuition easier, and guide you through your spiritual awakening. On top of this, practicing Reiki on yourself is just easier to incorporate into your daily routine

How to practice Reiki on yourself

Lets learn Reiki for your next Reiki session using the following steps

1. Relax into a meditative stage

Begin by finding a quiet and serene space where you can relax. Make sure you clean this space and keep it clutter free. If you would like, you can also cleanse the energy in this space using sage or incense

Start off this practice by getting into a meditative stage. To do this, you can use a meditation on a YouTube. However, I like to get myself to the meditative stage using box breath. 

Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and focus on your intention about healing and balance. If your mind wanders, slowly bring it back to focus on your intention. Do this until you feel relaxed.

2. Guide the universe life force into your body. 

As you may know now, Reiki is the practice of using the universe’s energy for healing purposes. Connect to the infinite universe energy using your hands. 

Place your hands on different parts of your body, allowing the healing energy to flow through you. Visualize the universal life force energy entering your body, harmonizing your chakras, and restoring vitality. Remember that the universal energy is infinite and abundant.


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