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Ayurvedic Ritual For Manifestation

Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that originated in the Eastern world, mainly from India. It is a holistic approach that is focused balancing the body, mind, and the spirit. Ayurveda involves different rituals and treaments that were designed to increase overall health and wellbeing. There are many ayurvedic rituals for manifestation but here is one of the more powerful rituals. Follow the steps to perform an ayurvedic ritual for manifestation.

1. Set your intentions

It is always improtant to set your intention before performing any rituals.  This will help focus your mind and remove distractions. Think about what you want to manifest. Then, visualize it as if it came true, write it down, or say it out loud.

2. Cleanse your space

It is important to have a clean space to remove any distractions. First clean your environment and remove any messes. Then, cleanse the energy in your space using sage or incense.

3. Anoint yourself

Use a high quality oil, like cocunet or sesame to anoint yourself. Begin at the top of your head and massage the oil into your scalp. Slowly work your way down to your feet. 

4. Start Pranayama

Pranayama is a breathwork techinique that can help calm the mind and remove any unwanted thoughts. There are many different Pranayama techniques to chose from, like the box breath. For a beginner, feel free to just take slow breaths through the nose and out through the mouth for a few minutes.

5. Repeat a mantra

Choose a mantra that resonates with your manifestation. Repeat it outloud slowly. Feel free to play the mantra on a streaming service like YouTube and repeat along with the recording.

6. Visualize your intention

Use your imagination to visualize your intention as it it already came true. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between whats real and whats in your imagination. See yourself in the situation you want to manifestion and feel the excitement of having your dreams come true.

7. Express gratitude

Finish up the ritual by expressing gratitude for the universe. Show gratitude for what you have and for what you are about to manifest.

Incorporate this Ayurvedic ritual into your daily routine to see your mainfestation come true faster!



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