In modern day spirituality, you may have learned about the topic of affirmations and mantras. Affirmations are a tool for personal growth that focus on changing your negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Mantras are another tool for attracting more positive energy. Most people use mantras and affirmations interchangeably but are mantras and affirmations the same?
In simple words, mantras are very different from positive affirmations. Both mantras and affirmations help improve yourself and achieve your goals. But there are specific situations where a mantra would be more helpful and other situations where affirmations may be more beneficial. By learning the difference between a mantra and an affirmation, you will be able to decide when it’s best to use an affirmation versus a mantra.
Mantras are just like affirmations but much go much deeper. The key to manifestation is to align yourself with the energy of what you are trying to manifest. You attract the energy of what you already are. Both affirmations and mantras try to help you align your energy with what you’re trying to manifest.
What are Mantras?
Mantras are thousands of years old and originate from Eastern traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. They were created by ancient yogis in India who observed the vibrations and the sounds of nature and the universe. Mantras are repeated daily or during meditation. They hold a spiritual significance and bring peace, harmony, and clarity to the mind.
Mantras contain words from the ancient Sanskrit language. They are sacred sounds that resonate a specific vibration throughout our body. This vibration helps us connect to the greater energy of the universe. Each mantra has a frequency that carries a connection to the universe.
Repeating mantras also helps of the flow of energy through our body and help unblock our chakras. Over time and chanting of the mantras, our chakras and our body will become permanently connected to this energy level.
How do Mantras work?
Everything in our universe, from the tiniest subatomic particles, is made up of energy. In fact, matter is just condensed energy. As humans, we too are composed of matter. This, in turn, means that humans are filled with the same energy of the universe.
This energy manifests itself in the form of vibrations. All energy vibrates and different types of energy vibrates at different frequencies. Lets take the strings of a guitar, each string vibrates at different frequencies which produces different sounds. By studying events like this, we can see that these invisible vibrations have an effect in our physical reality.
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So how do vibrations affect our manifestation process? And how do mantras raise our vibrations? Well first, lets talk about the law of attraction. Vibration creates repeated patterns (refer to the water and sound experiment above). Just like in the water experiment, by playing the same sound or frequency, the stream of water gets manipulated into a curvy pattern. This pattern repeats until the vibration changes and then a new pattern forms. It is same concept for our lives as well. As long as we are vibrating at a specific frequency, we will attract the same pattern in our life. The law of attraction states that we attract what we already are. This is why positive thoughts attract more positivity and negative thoughts attract more negativity.
Now, lets connect all this back to question “how do mantras work”. We have our very own vibration making machine, our voice. With our voice, we make sounds that vibrate at different frequencies. By doing this, we are actually making our whole body vibrate at that frequency. This is exactly what mantras leverage. Each syllable inside a mantra vibrates at a specific frequency. This frequency connects to the pattern you would like to attract. For example, “Om Mani Padme Hum” is a powerful mantra for attracting love. Each syllable in that mantra connects to the love vibration in the universe. By chanting this mantra, your body will also vibrate at the same frequency as this mantra.(love in this example)
The individual syllables of each mantra connect to different energy levels in the universe. Through using different mantras you are able to manifest different events by connecting to specific energy levels in the universe.
What are Affirmations?
Affirmations are another powerful tool for personal growth. Affirmations are positive statements that you can repeat to yourself in order to shift your mindset. Over time, these positive statements will become ingrained into your mind and became your new identity.
Some affirmation examples are “I am confident”, “I have an abundance of money”, and “I am loved by all”. Over time of repeating this affirmations, you will start to believe that you are confident, that you are wealthy, and so on.
How do Affirmations work?
Affirmations work in a similar way of mantras because they both align your energy with what you’re trying to manifest. You attract the energy that you are currently vibrating at. By feeling different emotions, you will be able to change your vibrational level.
For example, by saying “I am loved”, you will feel the vibration of the love emotion. By repeatedly feeling this love emotion’s vibration, you will be able to attract love into your life.
Affirmations work towards reprogramming your subconscious by repeatedly saying positive statements to yourselves. Over time, these positive statements will become ingrained into your mind and manifest into your reality. In fact, as you keep repeating these statements, your brain starts to make new neural pathways. Your brain starts to believe it’s actually true. So by saying “I’m pretty” often you will start to believe that you’re pretty automatically.
Are Mantras and Affirmations the same
Affirmations are used to create new positive beliefs about yourself and change your negative thought patterns. They are great at reprograming your mind by creating new neuron pathways.
Mantras on the other hand go beyond the words. By repeating mantras you are able to vibrate at a specific frequency. You are able to manifest other energies that also vibrate at this specific frequency.
Affirmations and mantras are both great at helping you achieve your goals but they defer in how they are able to help you. Affirmations are personalized and are tailored to suit your individual goals. However, mantras have a broader spiritual context and attract specific energy rather than a specific goal. For example, a mantra might attract abundance of money but an affirmation will attract a new job opportunity.
A mantra is broad and the details are left to the universe to figure out. On the other hand, an affirmation is specific and you can pick all the details of what you are trying to manifest.
Because an affirmation is specific, it is also limiting. By trying to attract a specific event or thing, you are saying no to other possibilities. Affirmations are limited to what your mind desires and what you mind can think of. But there are many other opportunities in this world that may be better for you but your mind might know about.
Lets take my dad for example. He was from a small village in India, who’s only goal was to make money and build a better life for his family. Through working hard, he was able to immigrate to America. When he was a young adult, he actually never even heard of the country, America, because he was from such a small village. Mantras opened this possibility for him. It let him attract something he didn’t even know about.
When to use mantras vs affirmations?
Affirmations are most useful when used for changing your opinions. They are great at changing your negative opinions, like when someone thinks they are not smart. However, they are not as good at changing facts. They are not as powerful to manifest physical things into your world.
An affirmation should be used for things like self love or confidence. A great affirmation is “I am confident” or “I am comfortable with myself” or “I am beautiful”. These are great because they focus on the negative thought patterns that you may have. Since affirmations create new neural pathways in your brain, affirmations are really good at reprogramming your subconsciousness brain. Affirmations are great at changing your habits and your beliefs about yourself.
However, an affirmation can’t change your physical reality. Like the affirmation “I have a tesla” is not so great because it focuses on a fact. Of course, over time of repeating this affirmation, maybe you will attract a tesla but it will be because you are working towards your goals.
Mantras, on the other hand, should be used for manifesting new things into your physical reality. It will be easier to attract abundance of money through vibrations using mantras. With this abundance of money you will be able to get that Tesla.
How to use Mantras and Affirmations?
Even though Mantras and affirmations are very different and should be used in different situations, the way to actually use them is the same. It is best to repeat mantras and affirmations daily. Mornings are the best time for this because that is when you have the most access to your subconscious mind.
When repeating mantras and affirmations, you want to focus on your body rather than the mind. Focus on the feeling you have inside your body. Do you feel excited? or happy? When you’re repeating a mantra, feel your body vibrate at that frequency.
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