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Are Angel Numbers real?

Have you ever found yourself seeing the same number throughout your day? Maybe you randomly looked at the clock and it read 11:11. Some time later, maybe you were driving home and you saw 1111 on a car’s license plate. Then, later, your dinner receipt was also $11.11. Many people in spirituality believe that seeing the same repeated numbers is not just a coincidence but actually a message from the universe. Different angel numbers have different meanings. For example, the 222 angel number means stability. But are angel numbers real? Have others successfully received messages through angel numbers? Here is your guide to angel numbers and an explanation of whether angel numbers are real.

What do angel numbers mean?

Numbers are a human constructed concept as a part of numerology. Numerology is a pseudoscience that explains the connection between a number and other events. It is believed that everything has energetic vibrations, including numbers. By aligning to a specific number’s energetic vibrations, you are able to attract more of that number. Depending on your current situation or inner feelings, you will be aligned to a specific number that has a specific meaning. 

Angel numbers mean something different to everyone. For most people, seeing an angel number often is a sign that you are on the right track or that you are almost at your goal. For others, angel numbers are a sign of potential danger, a warning of difficult times, or a gentle nudge to reconsider their decisions. On top of this, specific numbers have different meanings. For example, 1’s are meant to be connected to motivation, intuition, and confidence.

Are angel numbers real?

At the end of the day, this is pseudoscience, which means that there isn’t scientific proof for angel numbers. However, there is other, lighter evidence. The brain confirms that angel numbers are real to a certain extent. Our brains are incredible machines that are constantly working to make assumptions and decisions about the world around us. One of the ways our brains do this is by relying on patterns. When we are in new situations, our brains use patterns that we’ve made in the past to make new decisions. For instance, have you ever met someone and instantly knew you didn’t like them? This is likely because in the past, you must have encountered someone similar to that person and created a negative impression of them. Now, your brain is using that old pattern to make an assumption in the present moment.  In fact, this is one of the reasons why many people recreate their childhood traumas in adulthood. Because the brain always uses pre created patterns, we tend to fall into familiar patterns.

When it comes to angel numbers, the same idea applies. If you tell your brain to look for a certain number, you will automatically start seeing it more. Subconsciously, your brain is already looking for that number and then you are more likely to notice it when it appears. If you didn’t know anything about angel numbers you might not think twice when you see a repeated number. 

While our brains do rely on patterns, this doesn’t necessarily mean that angel numbers are real or have any sort of mystical significance. However, angel numbers are a good way of figuring out any problems you might have in your subconscious and are also a good way to increase your confidence. For example, you might be seeing 722 throughout your day. 722 means to slow down and take care of yourself. It is a warning that you are at risk of burning out. If your brain knew about this angel number and its meaning, subconsciously your brain might make you notice this number to give you a message. In conclusion, angel numbers might not have a mystical or spiritual meaning but brain science does support this concept.


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