5 Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita about Depression

The Bhagavad Gita has many lessons that can be applied today. Here are some advice the Gita gives us in order to have better mental health:

Focus on your journey but detach from destination

The Gita mentions that everyone has a right to work but we don’t have the right to receive the fruit of work. Just keep working towards your goals but don’t expect anything in return. This removes all of the stress you’re keeping inside you. Expectations lead to pain, even if the end result is positive. Trust that the universe is working with you in order to reach your goals. Trust that you will get everything you are striving for. But in this present moment, just focus on the task at hand.

You were born empty handed and you will die empty handed

It might sound like a grim way of looking at life but this removes much pressure from life. This lesson shows that in the end nothing matters except your soul. In the end, all you have is your journey. As you leave this material body and connect with your higher self, all you will be taking with you is your energy.

Everything happens for a reason

Everything in your life is either a good thing or a lesson. In a way, there are no such things as “bad things”. (Although it doesn’t always seem this way in current events) Enjoy every good thing that comes your way and learn from all of the bad situations. Be happy when something you’ve wanted doesn’t come to you, it means it wasn’t meant for you. The concept of Dharma (link) also falls into this. 

Meditation and Yoga

A huge part of Hinduism is meditation and yoga. Being one with your body and your senses is key to connecting with your soul. Meditation and yoga are ways of detaching from the material world and finding peace. It will let your entire body be in peace.


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