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Spiritual self care ideas to live a fulfilling life

Our mind, body, and spirit are all deeply connected. The health of one significantly affects the other. With a healthy mind, body, and spirit, you will be able to live a happy and fulfilling life. In our society, there is much importance on nurturing the body and the mind to become healthier. For instance, it is common for most people to exercise, diet, or try to eat healthy food. Taking care of our bodies is something most people have knowledge about, regardless of whether they decide to follow it. The mind is also something that most people take care of already or at least have the knowledge to do so. A lot of people either go to school, read, or generally try to keep the mind stimulated. Unlike the body and the mind, the spirit is not something most people take care of but it is equally as important for your overall health. Use these spiritual self care ideas and tips to start nurturing your spirit!

Spiritual self care is used to connect with your higher self, your soul, or other higher beings like spirit guides or the universe. Spirituality provides wisdom, a sense of purpose, and a connection. Spiritual self care is used to advance in your spiritual practice and even have a spiritual awakening. 

Spiritual Self Care Ideas

Spirituality is a very personal experience that is different for each and every one of you. Feel free to expand on these general spiritual self care ideas and make it unique to you!

Spend time in silence

On this earth, your mind and your body are always in the front. They are both always on. While the mind and the body are working hard and fast, it is hard to connect with the spirit. There is simply too much going on. Take some time to put away technology and spend it in silence. Watch your body and mind relax. With your body and mind quiet, you’ll be able to connect with your spirit. 

Spending time in silence outside and in nature is even better.

Connect with your inner child

To have a healthy spirit, it is important to address past traumas and past wounds. Healing your inner child involves connecting with the suppressed parts of yourself. As a kid, we are very vulnerable and impressionable. Our experiences as a kid affect us deeply even when it doesn’t seem like it’s a big deal. These negative or positive experiences get deeply impeded into your subconscious and it affects your self-esteem, relationships, and more. 

Healing your inner child is about learning to love and accept yourself unconditionally. Connect with your inner child by doing activities that you loved as a kid. This could be going to the park or playing in the dirt.

Practice self compassion

Be kind to yourself. Talk to yourself as if you are talking to your best friend. Sometimes we tend to be harder on ourselves than others. We say mean things to ourselves but would never say those things to people we care about. Talk to yourself as if you are talking to someone you care about. Then, you will automatically have a compassionate filter.

Give to the world

Nourishing our spirit also includes giving back to other people or the earth. Giving back will give you a sense of purpose and gratitude. This could be done in any way that is meaningful to you, like volunteering at an animal shelter or helping your parents run errands. You will attract the positive energy that you put back into the universe.

Mediation and yoga

There are many different types of mediation, such as visualization, breathing exercises, and so on. Pick the type of meditation or yoga you think you would benefit from in that present moment and practice that. Don’t worry if your mind is constantly nagging you while you are practicing. Accept the thought your mind had and move on. This process will slowly get easier over time.


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