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You are always in communication with the universe. Your subconscious talks to the universe through your thoughts all time. Now, we just have to talk to the universe consciously instead of subconsciously. Your thoughts and feelings are what you’re saying to the universe. The way you direct these thoughts and in turn talk to the universe is up to you. You can use the following methods or you can even come up with your own. The method you use will be unique to you. However, remember that regardless of what method you choose, be very specific with your words or actions.

1. Speaking to the universe

This sounds simple but it’s one of the best methods out there. Simply ask the universe what you want out loud. Make sure to be very specific and simply phrase a question to the universe like “Universe, I really want my crush to text me today. What should I do to make it happen?”  Then, listen for the answer. (Skip to the next section to see how to listen to the universe) Here are some examples:

  • “Universe, is my romantic partner right for me?”

2. Ask the universe for a sign

If you would like guidance on a situation or have a simple question, you can ask the universe for a sign. First, think of a sign. This could be anything like, for example, a green car or a red bird. It could be anything but make sure the sign doesn’t appear too commonly around you. Then, ask the universe to show you this sign if the answer to your question is a yes. Here are some examples –

  • Universe please show me a green car if I should take AP biology next year
  • Universe please show me a red bird if I’m doing well at my job

3. Write a letter or journal entry to the universe

Write a letter to the universe as if this higher power is a person. Your thoughts are the way you communicate with the universe. A method like journaling will help you organize your thoughts in a way that will help you get specific and let the universe understand what you want. In this letter ask the universe all of the questions you may have or just jot down your concerns. You’ll notice that while you’re writing these down, the answers will come to you through your thoughts. These are the universe’s replies. Make sure to write down the thoughts you get as solutions on a different piece of paper for later reflections.

4. Divination methods

A very common way to talk to the universe is through divination methods like Tarot or a Pendulum. Both of these methods lets you ask clear questions to the universe and get a reply fairly easily. On top of this, if you are unfamiliar with how to use these methods, you can even ask professionals.

How to listen to the universe

This is a two way conversation. After following the previous steps, you talked to the universe. Now, you need to listen to the universe’s reply. The key to this is to tap into your intuition. The universe talks to you through intuition or body sensations. When you stumble across the universe’s replies, you need to use your intuition to realize that it’s actually a sign from the universe and not just coincidence. Here are some ways the universe can reply to you:

1. Manifest specific objects in your space

Have you ever thought about buying a red dress and then you start seeing ads for a red dress even though you haven’t started searching for it yet? The universe listened to your thought and delivered with results. Once you start directing your thoughts a certain way, the universe starts manifesting it into your space. Keep an open mind, be present, and notice what is happening in your environment and how it might be related to you.

2. Manifest specific events in your life

If you ask a question to the universe, in order to give you the answer, the universe will conjure up a situation. For example, lets say you asked the universe to show you if your boyfriend is the right partner for you. Then, in the coming weeks, you might find him cheating or doing other things that tell you that he is not right for you. On the other side, instead, he might ask you to move in with him. The universe showed you this life event as an answer to your question.

3. Thoughts that pop in your head randomly

The universe speaks to you through your thoughts. Do you ever get random thoughts out of nowhere and they magically are what you need to hear. That’s the universe’s doing. Sometimes the answer will just come to you through your thoughts. Use your intuition to make sure this thought is from the universe and not created by other things like anxiety or fear.

The first step is to talk to the universe. The second step is to listen to the universe. Using these two steps, you can have a nice conversation with the universe. Master this skill and it’ll help you make better decisions in situations where you don’t know all of the information. Working side by side with the universe is very important for working towards your dream life.


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