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10 Surprising Habits That Make You A Low Vibrational Being

The concept of low vibrational being is used throughout the spiritual community. Everything in the universe is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. Higher vibrational frequencies are usually associated with positive emotions like love or happiness. On the other hand, lower vibrational frequencies are associated with negative emotions like anger. Being a low vibrational being is caused by many things in your day to day life, but here are 10 habits that are making you a low vibrational being to give you some ideas.

In spirituality, a core concept is that you attract what you already are, as told by the law of attraction. So, if you are constantly in a low vibrational field, you will attract negative experiences and people. 

Outside of spirituality, being a low vibrational being will also affect your mental and emotional health. Constantly feeling negative emotions like anger or fear will lead to stress, anxiety, and depression.

10 habits that are making you a low vibrational being

1. Negative self talk

Constantly putting yourself down and focusing on your flaws will trigger negative emotions in you. You will constantly feel shame and guilt if you keep saying negative things about yourself. Over some time of feeling these negative emotions daily, you will start vibrating at this level. These negative beliefs you have about yourself will get driven into your subconscious.

2. Listening to low vibrational music

Our environment affects us deeply. You pick up the energy you get from everything around you, including people, things, and media. Low vibrational music, like violent or sad music, can make you a low vibrational being because you collect the energy from everything around you. Don’t worry, you can still listen to low vibrational music but make sure to listen in moderation.

3. Procrastination

Putting off important tasks can create stress and anxiety. When you have to complete tasks with a low amount of time will also increase your stress levels. Feeling these negative emotions will also lower your vibration

4. Overworking

On the flip side, overworking can also lower your vibration. Being overworked and not taking enough time for rest and relaxation can lead to physical and mental fatigue, which can lower your vibration. It’s important to have a balance.

5. Lack of creativity

Not engaging in creative activities or expressing yourself creatively can create a sense of boredom and a lack of enthusiasm for life. Spend some time on activities that make you motivated and excited.

6. Poor posture

Surprisingly, poor posture is another reason someone can be low vibrational. Slouching and poor posture will block your energy flow. The energy won’t be able to move through you seamlessly. 

7. Bad environment

You pick up the energy you get from everything around you, including people and things. Living in a cluttered and disorganized space can create a chaotic energy that can lower your vibration.

8. Holding grudges

Holding onto resentment and anger towards others can create constant negative energy around you and lower your vibration. It’s important to let go of the people that wronged you and move on to better things.

9. Lack of boundaries

Not setting healthy boundaries in relationships and situations can contribute to feelings of overwhelm and stress, which can lower your vibration.

10. Too much time indoors

Spending too much time indoors and not enough time in nature can contribute to a feeling of being disconnected from the natural world, which can lower your vibration. It’s important to feel grounded after some time.


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